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The 20TH CENTURY WAGONTRAINERS (also known as Twentieth Century Wagontrainers or TCW) is one of FMCA's first chapters. Established in 1966, it is the 6th oldest FMCA chapter. TCW has 62 member coaches. Most members live in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Rallies are held in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware from May to October. Rallies begin on Thursday or Friday and end on Sunday. Some rallies occur at established campgrounds with hook-ups and other times it is dry camping. A hot or continental breakfast begins each day. Later on there is a social hour and either a potluck, catered meal, or entrée prepared by the host. Activities can include a visit to a local festival, historic site, nature area, corn hole game, Mexican Train, or just socializing. Our newsletter "Wagon Tracks" is published 6-8 times a year. Dues are $15 per year and new members are always welcome. Come and join TCW if you are seeking camping comrades and want to visit new and exciting places in the Eastern US.


This Chapter exists to promote social, recreational, and informational exchange activities which provide for the enjoyment and pleasurable use of both family member motor coaches and off-highway passenger style vehicles. We are authorized to function as an organization of families participating in the sport of off-highway motorized recreation in street legal four wheel drive vehicles, commonly referred to as 4-wheeling. Membership is limited to FMCA members who are also owners of such off-highway vehicles. (Excludes motor cycles, ATV's, side by sides, & Quads) This is an international organization covering the geographical area of North America. We support responsible 4-wheeling on established off-highway trails. We have six or more events during the year that usually last one week in various locations. At each event we have trail rides during the day led by members with easy, medium and harder trail rides each day. There are potlucks, various social activities and meetings at each event.


Alberta Wild Rose FMCA Chapter was formed in October of 1999. We just celebrated our 10th Anniversary with 41 coaches attending our fall rally. What a celebration it was! We hold 3 rallies per year, spring, summer and fall, also 4 newsletters are distributed annually. Also we have an informal get-to-gether in Plamosa (north of Quartzsite) every January while the RV Show is on for our members travelling south. We have members from all over Alberta and British Columbia. Our chapter is open to any FMCA members. Guests are welcome to attend our rallies to enjoy the fellowship our chapter offers. This chapter is noted for its Music making. We have accordions, keyboards, guitars, violins, saxophones, banjos, trumpets, drums, vocals, etc. Attend an Alberta Wild Rose Rally and sing along - dance, bring your instruments, just listen, play games and cards or just relax. You'll have a great time! We welcome all motorhome folks who enjoy meeting friendly people, good food, and making lifetime friends.


Greetings from the AlfaSeeYas Chapter! We have over 400 members throughout the United States and Canada. Our purpose is to promote fellowship and the sharing of information among owners of Alfa Motorhomes. We do this by organizing a variety of events, often prior to, during, and/or after FMCA Rallies and Conventions. At our gatherings we share information about our coaches and travels; frequently have "coach walks" which are like open houses where we share coach modification, decorating and customization tips; have social hours; potluck and catered dinners; play games and join in field trips to local venues. Perhaps most importantly, we make new friends and renew old friendships, all the while gathering new and helpful knowledge about our unique coaches! Our members are kept up to date by several means. We publish and distribute to our members a quarterly newsletter "The SeeYa Connection" containing a wealth of current information, updates on new members, news of previous rallies, and a calendar of upcoming events with registration information and forms. We also have a website:, that we invite you to visit frequently. Here too you will find a wealth of information including several past issues of the newsletter, chapter documents, links to additional useful websites, and a Tips and Tricks section that is great for new owners of Alfa Motorhomes! You can also download a copy of the FMCAssist Card with your FMCA number printed on it for your use and that of your family members. There are also pictures on the site of some of our outings to give you a sense of our fun! If you are not currently an AlfaSeeYas member, we invite you to join. There is a $10 one-time application fee, and then membership is only $10 per year. You will find our membership application form on our website We hope to See Ya down the road!


We are located in the Allegheny Mountain region of western Pennsylvania. Our season begins with a spring dinner and a rally in May. These are sometimes combined into one weekend. Our rallies are held once a month May through September. The membership is made up of both retired folks and working families with teenagers. Membership is restricted to motorhome owners only. It is a varied group with many years of experience and expertise. Our rally usually consists of a light Friday evening dinner, sometimes over the campfire. Breakfast together Saturday and Sunday mornings and a pot luck or out to dinner together Saturday fills the weekend. Dues are $10 per year and usually a weekend rally fee of $5 - $10 per coach. Camping fees are extra. We camp locally and have traveled to Ohio and New York. Touring of the rally area and fellowship are the two most enjoyed past times of our group. We are a friendly close knit group, come join us!


The Allo Quebec chapter was established in 2000. Our chapter name means "Hello Quebec" in French. We say Bienvenue - Welcome to all francophones and francophiles. Join the Allo Quebec chapter to enrich your life with new friendships and enjoy the joie de vivre. That said, you don't have to live in Quebec or speak French to join, but proceedings are mainly in French. Efforts are made to ensure that RVers who speak only English are able to follow and have fun. We often welcome these brave souls to our rallies, and they always have a good time in spite of the language difference. The Allo Quebec chapter meets twice a year, in June and September, with Rallies running from Thursday through Sunday. Virtually all of them are held in full-service campgrounds and include catered meals and lots of fun and games, as well as an evening of dancing. No need to be a member of Allo Quebec to attend. We'd love to have you join us. And as a matter of fact, you may have already met some of us if you've attended the FMCA Northeast Area Rally. Every year, Allo Quebec members volunteer to drive the golf carts that shuttle guests around the rally site.


The Alpine Coach Association is an FMCA International Area chapter open to all persons who own or have previously owned at least 1/3 of an Alpine Coach. It is also open to other coach owners, regardless of coach owned, who are nominated by an ACA member in good standing. With approximately 300 members nation-wide, the ACA exists to promote social, recreational, and informational opportunities while promoting fun, fellowship, and friendship among coach owners. We do this through rallies and sharing of information among ACA members. We also maintain the largest technical library on Alpine Coaches in the nation. While the majority of our members are Alpine Coach owners, we also have owners of Foretravel, Country Coach, Newmar, Monaco, Beaver, Entegra, Winnebago and others. Contact us, come to a rally as a guest, then join us after you see what a great organization this is for coach owners of all types.


We are a predominantly an Alpine coach club, but other motorhome brands are more than welcome. We currently have just over 40 families and an average of 10-15 coaches at a rally. BUT you must be an FMCA member to enjoy camping, fun, activities, food and cocktail hour. We normally schedule 4-5 outings a year, most are Central/Northern California area, however depending on things to do or festivals going on we have scheduled outings in Southern California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Arizona. A camping committee will usually set up a campground and date, then ask for a member to host. The member will then schedule activities, sightseeing tours, food weather its potluck, catered, reservations at a restaurant or if everyone is on their own, it all depends on the member. Or, if a member has a particular location, they would like to have a rally at, that's even better. In short, if we sound like a club you might be interested in, please feel free to contact us.


Alpine SoCal is open to all owners of any model of Alpine motorcoaches that reside or spend considerable time in southern California or southern Nevada. We hold 4 weekend rallies a year that are primarily within the area we draw from, plus one week-long rally in a location that is outside of our area. We do have members who live in neighboring states that don't mind the travel to our rallies. Our membership list is at 70 families, and we typically have about 25 at each of our rallies. We are a brand specific club, which is very important now that we have lost our manufacturer. Our members really help each other with fixes and upgrades on our coaches. If you open a bay door and look like you are tinkering, you will quickly have at least 5 guys there to ask if they can help...true story! So come join our fun group!


Our International Amateur Radio Chapter of FMCA is unique because at least one person in the Family Unit is a HAM. Our Newsletter, The Transmitter, is published quarterly. Our Chapter has the ability to communicate through our Amateur Radio Nets, a week-day 20-Meter Net and a Tuesday night EchoLink Net. These are open nets and we invite any properly licensed Amateur Radio operator to check-in! We hold one or more Rallies each year with Amateur Radio and RV-related door prizes. Current annual dues are $15 with an additional $10 charge for receiving The Transmitter issues via USPS. For more detailed information or a membership application, visit our web site at


Our group started in 1993 with the first Rally in Gatlinburg, TN. We have over 350 members and we welcome American Coach owners from all over the United States and Canada. American Heritage, American Eagle, American Tradition, American Dream, American Allegiance, American Revolution, Fleetwood Revolution, American Patriot, and Limited Motor Coach. We have either one or two pre-rallies a year, and then caravan as a group to the FMCA Convention. One of the most important benefits of belonging to our club, aside from lasting friendships, is service. We are so lucky to have the support of Fleetwood-American Coach attend our rallies with their expertise and well trained technicians. Please feel free to visit our website at: Check out our Board Page, as a member of the Board we are available to answer any questions.


We accept all types of recreational vehicles. The Anasazi Chapter, founded February 1, 1997, is made up of members from the greater Phoenix, Arizona area. However, we do have members as far away as Clarkdale and Yarnell, Arizona. Named after the Anasazi Native Americans who once inhabited Arizona, the chapter starts its rallies in September and winds up the camping season in May. The rallies are held the first weekend of each month and we usually travel within 2 hours of the Greater Phoenix area; although, we have gone as far as Wilcox and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in the past. We have at least one rolling rally each year in which we visit 3 to 4 destinations. Come with us to enjoy the camaraderie, exploration spirit, and our primary goal of having a good time. Our club has a broad base of interests but on occasion our members have been know to sit down and play games and enjoy the bounteous food at our rallies. If this sounds like you please join one of the most fun and dynamic FMCA clubs in Arizona.


We accept all types of recreational vehicles so come along with us, once a month from the second full weekend in October through April. Our annual dues are $15.00, due by December 31st. Once there you will enjoy many activities, games, good food and share time with congenial funloving people. Check out our newsletter and much more information on our web site,, for a peek at what we did last season. Most of our members are from the surrounding Phoenix area, however we have some from as far south as Sierra Vista and as far north as Sedona, plus we have Snowbirds from all across the USA. We are part of the Rocky Mountain area that encompasses 6 states and enjoy going to the Ramble. Our Arizona Chapter was founded in 1968 and we just celebrated 50 years. We are one of the oldest chapters within FMCA and currently have 72 family rigs. So, come along and join us for fun in the sun and find out why we are one of the largest and fastest growing Chapters in Arizona. Amigos del Camino "Friends of the Road."


The Arkansas Travelers accept all FMCA members. We meet 6 times a year. We have our rallies in the months of April, May, June, September, October, and November. Right now, we have 49 member families. We love getting together and seeing different parts of the country. The rally hosts plan where we are going and what we will be doing. Sometimes crafts are planned and usually after dinner at night, some will play cards or just visit with each other. There are always things for everyone to do. Our club has been in existence since 1973 and our dues are $30 a year. We always have a great time together with lots of laughs, stories to tell, and we all love to eat. Whether you've been in the club for years or just joining, we are all one big family. We welcome you to the Arkansas Travelers.


The B.C. Bus Nuts are a group of 45 units. We have two rallies a year, normally in B.C. We usually have about 20 units at each rally. We were formed by a group who had highway coaches that had been converted into motorhome, and we still have about 10 bus conversions. We would love to have you as a new member, and our dues are only $10 a year. We would love to hear from you!


We welcome all FMCA members. The Badger Chapter has been rallying for 58 years since 1966. We have 130 active members from Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Indiana, Nebraska, Kansas, Alabama, South Dakota, and some full-timers. Dues for the first two years are $25. This includes a $10.00 charge for a Badger Chapter membership plaque. In the following calendar years, the membership dues are $15.00/year, payable in January of each year. Name badges can be purchased and clothing can be embroidered with the Badger Chapter logo. We generally have 3 to 4 rallies a year in the Midwest with 35 to 50 member RV units attending. Rally fees are $180-$200 for either a mid-week rally or weekend (3-4 day) rally. Fees include some group meal(s) and we try to do group activities and tours of the area as well as free time to explore on your own. Tours could incur an additional fee. We have a catered dinner with entertainment and one or two breakfasts included with rally fee. We also have a potluck or other type of gathering to promote fellowship and to play games or chat. We send out 2 newsletters per year via email or regular mail and post on our member Facebook page as well as posting on the Badger web site.


Owners of all classes of RV's are welcome to join Bay Travelers. Club members say this is the friendliest FMCA chapter in the eastern US. They should know; some of the third generation members have been camping together since the mid 70's. At the monthly rallies, the stories never stop, the advice is always plentiful, and attendees often lose track of time as happy hour fades into seemingly endless potluck dinners prepared by the many great cooks in the club. Rallies are scheduled throughout the Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia area, and are often planned around local events including festivals, flea markets and car shows, etc. Rallies are typically small affairs, with eight to twelve coaches participating. Fees are usually less than $25 for a weekend, excluding travel and camping costs. Don't be left out of the fun, join now. Contact for more information about the Bay Travelers. Dues are $10 annually. Members receive chapter news in their newsletter, traveling on, which is issued monthly from February through November. Currently accepting new members!


Most of the members live in California, but we do have some members in other states. We have two rallies a year one in February in Laughlin, NV and one in the fall in Pahrump, NV. They are midweek rallies lasting four days, and children aren't allowed in the Casinos. The dues are $10 per year, and badges are extra. They have a welcome party, a slot tournament, Bunco, and an Awards Banquet at both rallies.


The Beaver Ambassador Club (BAC) has been an international chapter of the Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) since 1983. Members located throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico, are owners and former owners of Beaver motor coaches, and owners of other diesel coaches who are recommended by a BAC member. The general purpose of BAC is to promote fellowship and cooperation among family, motor coach owners, provide rally activities for BAC members, and conduct other functions for and on behalf of BAC members for their common benefit. The BAC website: contains details of BAC rallies in the club publication known as the Beaver Tales, and the Forum where members of BAC ask questions and share information on the care and operation of their motorhomes.


The Bernie & Red Chapter in the Northwest Area of FMCA is a group of FMCA members that are fans of Entertainers "Bernie & Red". Bernie & Red travel the RV circuit during the winter months and entertain at various locations throughout Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. We hold two meetings a year; one in Yuma, Arizona, usually in February and one at the FMCA Northwest Area Rally in June.


The Big Sky Chapter of FMCA is a social chapter chartered in 1989 to provide Montana FMCA members an additional way to enjoy RVing. Those FMCA members from neighboring states and provinces who wish to join our chapter would also be welcome. We generally have rallies in June, July, August and September over a period of four days/three nights in an area where local events/celebrations/festivals are happening. We have great times, so come join the fun!


We have 30 members, or 30 coaches in our group. We schedule our outings on the second week of each month- April thru October. We try to stay 100 to 200 miles around Michigan and Northern Ohio. Although our get-togethers actually are Friday thru Sunday morning. Some of our members come earlier in the week. We also usually meet for lunch once each month from November thru March for the non-snowbirds. We always go to Berrien Springs in May, as that is the Great Lakes Area Spring Spree. Our group is mainly retired, and a few that are close to retiring. We have been together since September of 2002, and sure have a great time. You are welcome to come and visit us for one of our outings. If you are interested, please make reservations one month in advance. Looking forward to meeting you at one of our rallies.


The Bluebonnet Travelers are in FMCA's South Central area, with a focus on Central Texas.


The Bus 'N' Bikers chapter is an International Area chapter, with focus on those members who share in the love of bus conversions and motorcycle riding.


The Bus N USA chapter is an International Area chapter, whose members' focus on the western USA.


The Bussin' Buddies chapter is authorized to function in FMCA's Northeast Area, and its members have a focus on busses.


While we are a new FMCA Chapter, our organization has existed for 48 years as a Good Sam Club. We look forward to being part of FMCA. We welcome all forms of RVs. We have recently been joined by a club with Tiffin RVs. We generally meet for rallies within 150 to 200 miles of San Antonio however we have had rallies as far away as Albuquerque, N.M. Balloon Fiesta and Georgia. Our rallies are held each month with the exception of June, July, and August. Many of us are on the road trying to avoid the summer heat at that time. Our group includes golfers, game players and adventurers who like to find interesting places to visit at the rallies. We enjoy meals in the clubhouse as well as eating out at restaurants. We often share tips and helpful hints concerning RVs. Our rallies are always great fun and we welcome visitors. Come join us!


California Chapter (CCFMCA) is the fourth oldest chapter within FMCA and the first chapter west of the Mississippi. We were chartered in June 1965 by a group of 36 motor homes. At one point our Chapter had over 1,600 motor homes. Over the years a lot has changed and there are now over 52 chapters in California alone. We are celebrated our 50th year in 2015. We usually have five to seven rallies a year and they are typically held on the third week-end of the month. Our rallies start on Thursday and end on Sunday. We go as far south as San Diego and north as far as Buellton. Our average attendance is about 32 coaches. Our Chapter also hosts one of the largest Chapter rallies in the Western Area. It's called Oktoberfest and is held at Golden Village Palms in Hemet. This rally is loads of fun and we invite other FMCA chapters and/or members to join us. Some of the events are: brats, beer, wine, soda on Friday & Saturday, seminars, vendors, crafts, catered meals, live evening entertainment and dancing, $250.00 blackout bingo, games and much more. This rally is held the first week-end of October each year. This Chapter has a membership made up of wonderful people. These are the folks that you love to sit around a campfire and swap stories with, or enjoy an early morning cup of coffee. These are the kind of people that makeup our Chapter, and this is where lifelong friendships occur. We invite you to join us.


The primary objective of CCBAL is fellowship, comradery, and to socialize with others who have the same and or similar interest in RV'ing. Our objective is to bring recreational vehicle owners together to foster and develop recreation socials and perform charitable activities and conservation projects. We have a great time together while out and about. We pride ourselves on the fact that our club members make the club what it is, and the club belongs to its members. We believe and practice open communication for the sole purpose of working toward the aforementioned common objectives. At the present there is a membership of forty one coaches, who are from Northern and Southern California. Members are from all walks of life and faiths but all have a common bond and that's the joy of RV'ing. Members come together once a quarter for outings. The CCBAL has something for all RVer's. If you are looking for a RV family, come to an outing with the CCBAL. Outings consist of casino resorts, fishing, golfing, luxury resorts and just good clean fun. CCBAL has some excellent cooks who don't mind sharing.


California Coasters is a chapter of FMCA centered in the tri-counties of Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo along the Central Coast of California. The chapter typically holds ten outings a year to promote fun, friendship, and sharing among the membership.


The California Heartland Chapter was chartered in 1990 with twenty two original members. The chapter grew rapidly and reached one hundred fifty members during the heyday of RVing in the 90's. We celebrated our 30th year in 2020 with a strong membership base with over 60 members. We are a fun loving group that has 8 to 10 rallies per year. California Heartland does the coffee and donuts every year at the Western Motor Home rally in Indio. We welcome new members with all types of RVs.


Hello FMCA members!! Here is some information about our chapter. Normally we camp for 3 – 4 nights (Monday to Thursday) in various So California locations 10 months out of the year. During the day is usually spent visiting, and exploring the local area attractions, games and crafts outside and inside when we have a room available, or just relaxing and socializing. We have a rally meeting and everyone is encouraged to attend. Agenda is posted at Rally Master’s rig. One morning an open potluck breakfast is held. You bring something to share or just come. Bring your own utensils, plates and drinks like coffee or juice. One late afternoon we usually have an open potluck– again – bring your own plates, utensils and drinks and a dish to share to feed 15. If fires are allowed some might sit around a campfire to visit. If we have enough square dancers, we have a short beginning square dance one night with our member Square Dance caller. No experience necessary. Rally Master, Janie Moore, for questions and reservations 714-306-2007 Janie at Also, Guest campers are asked to send a $50.00 deposit reservation camping fee. Check made to Camping Squares and mailed to: Treasurer, Merlyn Jones, 52 Vista La Cuesta, Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688 949-589-1881, Contact for general questions RV Type - any Tom Roberts, Membership 562-756-1915 Area Association Western


Our Chapter exists to promote social, recreational, and informational exchange activities which provide for the enjoyment and pleasurable use of family member recreational vehicles (RVs). We like to get together in small towns, visit their local restaurants, tour their facilities to gather information, and even love to visit their yard sales and flea markets. We have members from all of Manitoba, Saskatchewan as well as some from our sister group in the US called "The Ramblin Nodaks." Our dues are minimal per year, but you must be a member in good standing with FMCA to join. We try to get together several times each summer. Most are "hosted" with organized tours, entertainment, games, etc. Some are "not hosted," just a casual weekend with a great group of friends. Either way, you are welcome to try us out, participate in what you choose or do your own thing. No worries, no stress, just a casual get together.


The CAN-AM Northwest chapter members have a mutual interest in motorhoming at KM Resorts of America, its affilates, and/or drawn from the Northwest Area of FMCA.


CAPITOL is one of the oldest chapters in the Eastern area, having been founded in October 1968 and officially chartered in 1969. Their members live in the District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, Northern and Eastern Shore of Virginia, Eastern West Virginia, Southern New Jersey, and Southern Pennsylvania. Rallies, typically held in the same states and attended by 15-25 RV's, feature local attractions, lots of food, fun and warm friendships. Rally fees, which exclude individual campsite costs, are kept to a minimum. Membership dues of $15 per year help support special events and multiple forms of chapter communications that include their monthly newsletter, on FACEBOOK that is only accessible by members. New members are always welcome!


The Cardinal Virginians chapter generally covers Virginia's Interstate 81 corridor and its surrounding area, although we occasionally hold rallies outside of Virginia. We hold monthly rallies from April to October and have a Christmas party in early December. We enjoy our early evening 'Happy Hours,’ touring the local countryside for wineries, antique shops and festivals, and we dine out together at least one night every rally. Our group is fairly close-knit, but we always enjoy new faces and members that will share our love of camping. So, feel welcome to join us anytime.


The CAROLINA CRUISERS chapter has more than 200 members and most are residents of South Carolina. 25-75 coaches attend the weekend rallies scheduled each year in February, April, June, and September. The average rally fee is $75 excluding campsite expenses. One of their largest rallies is during February at Lazy Days near Tampa, Florida. Other rally locations are in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. Each December, members gather together for a holiday luncheon in Columbia, SC and a poinsettia is presented to each lady. Rally activities include games, tours, entertainment and providing community service. Chapter dues are $10 per year with an initiation fee of $20 for new members. T-shirts with the chapter logo are available to members. The chapter welcomes new members.


We are currently a relatively small group of couples and singles (16rigs) mostly in central South Carolina who enjoy camping together with a variety of motorized and towable RVs. We typically camp 8-10 times a year from Thursday through Sunday since we still have a few members looking forward to retirement. Although we primarily camp in South Carolina we also occasionally camp at locations near us in Georgia, and North Carolina. Our initial membership is primarily drawn from the Midlands area of South Carolina, but we accept eligible FMCA members from both within and outside the boundaries of the state of South Carolina. Guests are always welcome, however, after the second or third visit we will likely encourage you to join us as members.


The scope of the CAROLINA HEARTLANDERS is Central North and South Carolina. They currently have 16 members and welcome all FMCA members to attend one of our rallies or to join the group. Motorhomes and towables are welcome. Chapter dues are $15 per year. Members enjoy 4 rallies a year held in April, June, September and November. Average rally fee is $10, excluding campsite expenses. They enjoy playing various types of games at their rallies while also taking time out for different dining and tourist experiences. Members enjoy socializing and the friendships they’ve developed in this chapter.


The CAROLINA PELICANS members come from the Eastern area of North and South Carolina. Our members usually reside within 150 miles of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Formed in 2004 the chapter has approximately 60-chapter member RVs and the chapter is always seeking new members. Chapter dues are $20.00 a year, and we do ask that you purchase a name badge at approximately $18.00. The age of the membership is 50 plus, and we do have single members. There are no members with young children, but grandchildren are always welcome. Information about the chapter is published on our website – We have 4 rallies a year, usually in April, June, October and a Christmas rally in December. Typically, chapter rallies include 3 breakfasts, a first night get-together with snacks. Dinner out as a group on one evening when possible. Last evening is usually a potluck dinner with the chapter providing the main entrée. Rally fees are $35.00. A business meeting is held on the last full day morning after breakfast. Members may purchase shirts, hats, visors and a banner with the chapter logo when available. We think of ourselves as a group of friendly, mostly retired, RVers who enjoy just relaxing and enjoying life’s simple pleasures together. Once a year we enjoy doing volunteer work at GEAR (Great Eastern Area Rally) and national rallies as a group. A great deal of help and information to other RVers is always available from the group. The Carolina Pelicans welcomes all types of RVs.


We are all about friendship, fellowship, and companionship. Centered near Orlando, we have members from a wide swath across Florida and usually hold our rallies at interesting places within 150 miles of there. A typical rally always starts with a lot of hugs, offers to help each other with problems on our rigs, swapping of stories (some of them true), and making sure we all know where and when Happy Hour convenes. We try not to ask our host couples to work too hard and all pitch in to help serve meals and set up (NON STRENUOUS) games and activities. We keep in touch between rallies and support each other in the ways of people who genuinely care about each other. We invite others to join us either for a visit or to consider becoming members. Visit our website at


The Challengers are known as the "Volunteer" Chapter. We volunteer for both of the FMCA Rallies held in the South, the SEA Rally (Lakeland, FL) and the FMCA Rally (Perry, GA). We serve coffee and donuts as well as help out in other volunteer opportunities like parking and educational seminars. Both of these Rallies are fun, provide informative seminars, entertainment, and the opportunity to meet other fellow FMCA members. The Challengers hold official monthly rallies in all months where usually two couples host by planning meals, games, and trips to local attractions (except June, July, and August). We also have unofficial, unhosted rallies in June, July, and August. Each rally attracts approximately 15-25 RVs. Many of us are long-time FMCA members, but lately we have been adding newer RVers to our ranks. Most of our rallies are held at campgrounds located around a 50-mile radius of Clermont, Florida (approximately the center of the area where most of our members live). Each official rally begins on Friday and ends on Sunday morning, but some members might arrive as early as Monday. We are very fortunate to have several professional cooks as members so, needless to say, we have all gained a few pounds. And most afternoons, just to keep those pounds on, we gather for "Happy Hour" featuring snacks, drinks, and, of course, lots or friendship, and jokes!


The Coach House Owners Club accepts members who own or once owned a Coach House Motor Home. We have approximately 140 coach members. We have two chapter planned rallies every year, Spring and Fall, in various parts of the country. Our chapter dues are $45.


Coaches for Christ, a part of FMCA, and is a non-denominational group of Christian RV owners who have joined together in their common bond through Christ for fellowship, worship, and studying God's Word. Additionally, as the Light and the salt to the world, Coaches for Christ plans and hosts chapel services at FMCA rallies. For more information you can contact: Dane Bailey, President 4930 W 325 N Huntington, IN 46750 Phone: 260-436-8145 or


Coaches for Christ-South Central is one of nine area chapters that have been formed within the FMCA organization. Our basic purpose is to provide Christian fellowship and prayer support among RV'ers of all faiths within the FMCA organization. Our chapter is open to active members of FMCA who desire fellowship and prayer support with other believers of all faiths. Even though our South Central Chapter is open to any FMCA member, the focus membership of our chapter is members within the Six South Central States of Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. Our chapter will conduct two meetings during the year, one will be at our Pre Rally just before the annual FMCA Six State Rally. We also have a chapter rally in the spring of each year with the program, time, and location set by the membership. Coaches for Christ members are encouraged to join other FMCA chapters and be ambassadors for Christ as the opportunity arises. Our Chapter has the responsibility of leading the morning devotional time at the annual Six State Rally and also supports the morning devotionals at the FMCA International Conventions. Our chapter does sponsor some service or ministry projects as well as participate in an inspirational event during the year. Array We urge our members to keep in touch and pray for each other. A quarterly Newsletter and e-mail is sent often to keep chapter members aware of needs within chapter families as well as to advertise upcoming events. You are invited to attend any of our events or you may find more information about our chapter by contacting:


Coaches for Christ Eastern is an inter-denominational ministry made up of Christians from many religious and spiritual backgrounds. The chapter was chartered October 2003 at the Great Eastern Area Rally (GEAR) in Asheville, North Carolina. Coaches for Christ enables FMCA Christian members to combine their love of travel with their spiritual walk with Jesus. A top priority is sponsoring devotions at FMCA rallies and conventions. CFCE members are drawn to kindred spirits in prayer, praise, fellowship, and worship. All FMCA members are welcome to attend activities and to join Coaches for Christ Eastern.


Coaches for Christ is an inter-denominational ministry made up of Christians from many backgrounds. The chapters were organized to enable FMCA Christian members to combine the love of travel with their spiritual walk with Jesus. A top priority for all chapters is sponsoring the morning devotions of FMCA rallies and conventions. Coaches for Christ members are drawn to join kindred spirits in prayer, praise, fellowship, and worship.


The Coastal Tarheels Chapter (CTH), chartered in 1978, is a member of Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA). The Chapters initial membership base was Eastern North Carolina, we have since expanded to include all of North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina and even some Florida “Snow-Birds”. The purpose of our Chapter is: (1) to promote the RV way of life; (2) to socialize and share with others the places we've been and the things we've seen; (3) to exchange information of interest to all who answer the "call of the open road" and, above all, (4) to have fun and fellowship with each other. We meet the first full weekend of each month, with the Thursday being the first day of full weekend. The requirement for membership is to be a member in good standing with FMCA and have a self-contained recreational vehicle. The first year's dues of $12.00 are required at the time when application is made. You will be given a copy of our Constitution and By-laws, a Chapter Membership Roster and a Chapter decal for your recreational vehicle. You must keep your dues current and attend at least one (1) rally each year to remain a member. A Newsletter is sent out via E-Mail following the monthly meeting. The Coastal Tarheels oversee Coffee and Donuts for GEAR (Great Eastern Area Rally). This is a great time of fun and enjoyment for all. We cordially invite you to come to one of our Rallies. You may let us know your E-Mail address and we will add you to the information list. We enjoy meeting new rvers and getting to know each other. An invitation is always open to attend our Rallies. You can find our CTH Club on Facebook..


The Colonial Virginians Chapter of FMCA was chartered in February, 1990. The chapter has about 60 members. Most members reside in eastern Virginia, but we also have members from the Carolinas, Maryland, Delaware and a few who now call Florida home. We hold rallies monthly, usually on weekends, March through December. Most rallies are held within a four-hour drive from Williamsburg, Virginia, but we do occasionally venture further. Rallies that are held at greater distance are typically longer in duration to justify the travel. Rallies routinely include seasonal activities, sightseeing, and festivities appropriate to the rally location. The rally host routinely provides Friday dinner and Sunday breakfast for a weekend rally. A rally fee is based on the food provided by the rally hosts, but is rarely more than $10 per person for a 3-day weekend rally, excluding the campground fee. Members have regularly shown interest in collecting funds throughout the year to make an annual contribution to a worthy cause. In recent years that contribution has been made each December to Toys for Tots. Colonial Virginians are active in FMCA's Eastern Area and routinely volunteer to operate the handicapped golf carts at the Greater Eastern Area Rally (GEAR). Chapter dues are $20/year and are pro- rated. New members order and pay an additional fee for their name badges. New members are always welcome. Chapter news and information is available from our President.


The Colorado Columbines Chapter of FMCA was formed on December 6, 1992 and currently has 33 members. Most of the members live on the Front Range of Colorado between Pueblo and Fort Collins, with one charter member still active in our chapter for the summer months who now resides in Texas. We gather for weekend campouts on the second weekend of each month (May-Sept) and then on the first weekend of October. Food is always plentiful at our campouts, however we do find time to socialize, play games, go on tours, make crafts, have bonfires, as well as relax. Usually there are 10-15 rigs in attendance and a good time is always had by all. We are a small chapter and are always on the lookout for fun and friendly folks to join us. Our yearly dues are only $21.00 per rig and our rally fees are $12.00 per person.